Runaway Bay

Runaway Bay best Jamaica travel vacation destination videos

This bay (16km west of St Ann’s) has a modicum of hotels and tourist facilities, though the place is far from sophisticated. Divers, however, find much to celebrate. This one-street village stretches along the A1 for 3km, merging with Salem to the east. Several small beaches are supposedly public, although most are the backyards for a few all-inclusive resorts. If you’re hankering for a dip in the big blue, head to the white-sand Cardiff Hall Public Beach (admission free; 7am-sunset), opposite the gas station. There is also a somewhat twee fisherman’s beach in Salem, east of Runaway Bay, where the occasional sound-system party is staged on the weekend.

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Africa Attractions

Guinea Bissau Africa

Like most sub-Saharan nations, Guinea-Bissau is an arbitrary European construct, yet it possesses two qualities that make this small country stand out from its neighbours. First and foremost are the people themselves. You’ll almost never hear the disingenuous ‘bonjour, mon ami’ that signals the beginning of an unwelcome sales pitch. If you’re arriving from, say, Dakar, you’ll be relieved to find helpful gestures are almost always just that – expressions of kindness rather than a means to extract cash. Bissau’s relaxed feel, pastel-coloured buildings and nice cafés are worth a couple days of your time.


Tierra-Del-Fuego Rio-Grande Argentina

A monster trout sculpture at the entrance to town announces that you have come to the de facto fly-fishing capital of Tierra del Fuego, with some of the world’s best blue-ribbon angling for colossal sea-run trout. Exclusive fly-in lodges on nearby estancias lure the likes of Hollywood heavy hitters and former US presidents with dreams of the big one. But if you didn’t come with rod in hand, the longest that you will likely stay in windswept Río Grande is a few hours, before hopping on a bus to Ushuaia, 230km southwest.


The-Northeast Feira-De-Santana Brazil

Feira de Santana is the main city of Bahia’s interior, and a great cattle center. There’s not much to do or see here except the Feira do Couro, the big Monday cattle market, which is great fun, with lots of leather bargains, and the Mercado de Arte Popular (Mon-Sat), which has folk art for sale.

Northern Territory

Bathurst Island

Bathurst Island Northern Territory Australia


Mount Perry

Mount Perry Queensland Australia



Biggenden Queensland Australia



Monto Queensland Australia



Cloncurry Queensland Australia


Julia Creek

Julia Creek Queensland Australia