New Mexico. New Mexico is located in the heart of the U.S. Southwest. It is situated along the Mexican border sandwiched between Texas and Arizona with Colorado to its north. It is a land of beautiful scenery and is the country of cowboys and Indians.
Category: Newmexico
Santafe Newmexico USA Travel
Santa Fe, New Mexico. Santa Fe, New Mexico, located sixty miles north of Albuquerque, is a favorite vacation destination in the USA. As the second oldest city in the United States, it offers a unique mix of history, architecture, culture, cuisine, outdoor activities and shopping in a setting that epitomizes the American Southwest.
Albuquerque Newmexico USA Travel
Albuquerque, New Mexico. Albuquerque (pronounced al–buh–kirk–ee) is the largest city in New Mexico. It is located along the Rio Grande River near the center of the state. Two major interstate highways neatly divide New Mexico into quadrants. Route 25 comes across its northern border from Colorado, wends its way through the north central mountains, then follows the Rio Grande Valley south to El Paso at the borders of Texas and Mexico. Route 40 bisects the state roughly following the path of old Route 66 from the Texas border on the east to the Arizona border on the west. These two major traffic arteries intersect in Albuquerque.
Native American Market