Malaysian Borneo Sarawak

Similajau National Park Malaysian Borneo Sarawak

A 45-minute drive northeast of Bintulu, this park’s deserted, sandy beaches, ‘where the rapids meet the sea’, are among the best in Sarawak. Similajau does not have the habitat variety of Bako National Park but it’s perfect if you want a quiet, relaxing n

Malaysian Borneo Sarawak

Sibu Malaysian Borneo Sarawak

Where Kuching takes the cat as its symbol, Sibu sees itself as a swan, and there’s a certain aptness to the comparison – thriving on its watery location, it’s unmistakably a town with character, but you can’t help feeling a little threatened sometimes! Lu

Malaysian Borneo Sarawak

Niah Caves National Park Malaysian Borneo Sarawak

The vast caverns of Niah Caves National Park (737454; admission RM10; park office 8am-5pm) are among Borneo’s most incredible natural attractions. Located in the limestone hills about 3km north of Batu Niah town, the caves contain some of the oldest evide

Malaysian Borneo Sarawak

Mukah Malaysian Borneo Sarawak

Lapped by waves at the palm-fringed mouth of the Batang Mukah, this small fishing town north of Sibu doesn’t often make it onto travellers’ radar, but it’s a delightful spot to relax for a day or two amid the colourful boats and busy markets.

Malaysian Borneo Sarawak

Miri Malaysian Borneo Sarawak

Unlike catty Kuching and swanlike Sibu, Miri is sadly lacking in animal analogies, perhaps because it’s just too casually urban for any to spring to mind. After all, the rapid growth of this former fishing village was founded on industry and services, par

Malaysian Borneo Sarawak

Marudi Malaysian Borneo Sarawak

Marudi is a quiet river town situated inland from Miri, similar in size to Kapit though nowhere near as busy. Its main attraction is yet another of the Brooke outposts, the beige wooden Fort Hose (admission free; 10am-6pm Tue-Sun), built in 1901 and named

Malaysian Borneo Sarawak

Malaysian Borneo Sarawak

Rajah Brooke’s former kingdom of Sarawak sprawls along the northwest coast of Borneo – a vast expanse of secondary forest and palm-oil plantations that gives rise to jungle-clad mountains along the border with Indonesian Kalimantan.

Malaysian Borneo Sarawak

Lundu Malaysian Borneo Sarawak

No relation to Lund in Sweden, this quiet little town sits between the forested bulk of Gunung Gading National Park and the Sungai Kayan. To most travellers it’s simply the transport node for the national park, but people here are friendly and there are f

Malaysian Borneo Sarawak

Limbang Malaysian Borneo Sarawak

If you’ve only seen Limbang on the map, you may be in for a surprise when you rock up expecting a backwoods outpost and find a prosperous, bustling river town. Tourism is pretty much an irrelevance here, so there are few reasons to stay over, but trekkers

Malaysian Borneo Sarawak

Lambir Hills National Park Malaysian Borneo Sarawak

As much a weekend retreat as a conservation area, Lambir Hills National Park is only 30km from Miri by road and is primarily popular with city residents, who come by the carload to visit the pretty waterfalls, natural swimming pool and riverside picnic sh